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David Palumbo
We saved over 90% by choosing Relay over Radios.

Juan Medina
There are language barriers that come with some of our guests. The translate feature bridged communication gaps during EMT calls, fostering a more inclusive and responsive environment.

DeShawn Mills
We have some Spanish speakers that prefer it [TeamTranslate™] now. They’ll go and run and pick up their Relay because they know they can communicate with us effectively.

Gil Chavez
It pays for itself in a number of ways. The less systems I have, the less money I have to spend.

Mike Henry
Thanks to Relay, my overall productivity has gone up and I'm thankful for that.

Nina Lattimore
It’s a faster service, it makes families feel welcome, and it’s a translation device in your hand. This is a viable tool that I really strongly believe schools need to purchase.