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Club Connections 101: Creating a unified team through cloud-based communication

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Relay is a cloud-based technology platform that helps frontline teams improve communications, increase employee safety, and enhance their productivity. Relay helps digitally transform frontline operations by providing essential communication and safety features with actionable data insights.

In 2023 clubs are heavily investing in their food and beverage programs, aquatics, social activities, and most recently pickleball, moving away from an all encompassing focus on just golf operations. With this diversification, it’s more important than ever to prevent your departments’ communication to become fractured, and instead focus on a unifying approach that creates in-sync teams and a seamless experience for staff and members alike.

In this webinar, Relay will show you why now is the perfect opportunity to overhaul your club’s strategy and invest in unifying your team’s operations.

What is Relay? [5:43]

Relay, a cloud-based platform that enables real-time communication works with over 250 courses nationwide to unify staff and help create a better experience for club members. Relay not only helps teams communicate more efficiently, but also modernizes workflows, provides performance data directly to managers, and optimizes operations in order to drive success. 

One of the major differences between Relay versus traditional radios is that Relay is software based. Imagine having reliable two-way communication in real time but also be able to analyze that data to improve your operations. Relay is also ultra-durable, water resistant, and able to withstand the abuse that comes with working in adverse weather and harsh temperatures. Relay is built for the teams on the front lines. 

So why is connecting your departments with one operations solution vital to club success? And how does Relay play into it?

1. First impressions are everything [7:45]

“First impressions could be the difference between receiving a five star review – or not.” 

By connecting your first touch teams (valet, bag drop, check-in) with instant and discreet communication, they are able to anticipate members’ arrivals, reduce wait times, and make the best first impression possible. These teams send guests off to their activities in a positive mood, ready to enjoy their day. 

2. Reduced maintenance response time = more satisfied members [8:58]

In a busy club there is a lot to manage in terms of maintenance, and some needs are more urgent than others. By utilizing Relay’s advanced indoor and outdoor location tracking, maintenance professionals closest to an issue can address a situation, thus decreasing both response time and repeat tickets. 

3. Keep things moving by monitoring pace of play [9:38] 

Another aspect where Relay’s indoor and outdoor location can be utilized is tracking pace of play – rangers are able to be easily located throughout the course and quickly dispatched to the areas of the course that are getting backed up. 

4. Increase revenue and satisfaction by optimizing food and beverage [12:08]

When it comes to increasing customer satisfaction and revenue in a club, one of the most influential departments is food and beverage. With a dedicated food and beverage channel and direct calling, food and beverage requests can be fulfilled quickly and accurately, resulting in less food waste and quicker ticket times. When utilizing location tracking, clubs can also track and place beverage carts in appropriate areas to meet increasing demand. 

5. Reduce training time for tournaments and events [13:15]

New software often requires heavy lifting on the side of management for implementation and training, but Relay has done the work to make training more efficient and easy to learn. Training both temporary employees for tournaments or new staff for day to day use only takes a few hours and can be self-led through on-demand training. This cuts downtime dramatically and gets teams to work- faster. 

With the 2023 season just ramping up, now is the perfect opportunity to overhaul your club’s strategy and invest in unifying your team’s operations. For more information and to schedule a full demo of Relay’s all-in-one solution click here.

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