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A frontline worker using the Team Interpreter feature.

New from Relay: Eliminate Language Barriers and Manual Security Processes

Picture of Jess Fischer
Jess is the Content Marketing Manager at Relay. She brings years of storytelling and marketing experience from her time at B2B and B2C companies across the tech, retail, and automotive industries. She holds an undergraduate degree in Strategic Communications from Temple University. In her free time, you can find Jess planning future travels, sipping oat milk lattes, or hiking with her Great Pyrenees, Davie.

We’re excited to announce some major enhancements to the Relay platform! If you’re looking to level up your security team with automated location-tracked guard patrols and custom incident response protocols, or locate company equipment in your building, then we’ve got you covered. Get ready to push your devices and teams further with new tracking, emergency response, and translation capabilities.


Many Relay customers have multilingual staff, which can lead to miscommunications and frustrations. Even making it harder to hire and retain workers. Yet, most teams don’t have the resources to provide on-site translators or the time to use existing translation apps.

Relay’s TeamTranslate takes our existing translation capabilities to the next level. Users can now set 25+ different languages for a device to translate all messages in real-time across any Relay channel. This means teams can overcome language barriers with the tools they’re already using.

If an English speaker sends “I need help” to French, Spanish, and Mandarin users, they will hear the English message, immediately followed by the translation into French, Spanish, or Mandarin.

Here’s a preview:

TeamTranslate is available as an add-on fee for any Relay plan. Learn more


Gone are the days of paper logs and manual check-ins. With the launch of Rounds, you’ll be able to passively track scheduled rounds or patrols and automatically receive a notification when your employee has missed their rotation. Whether you lead a team of security guards, housekeepers, or nurses, this feature will alert you when a location has been missed within a designated amount of time, set by you. 

Not only does Rounds help make sure your property is secure, it also allows you to stay in compliance when it comes to keeping areas such as casino floors staffed. This brand new solution uses indoor location readings from our Relay beacons to automatically mark rounds complete and record them in your Relay dashboard.

As long as your staff members are in possession of their Relay devices, they can make their rounds without any extra steps. It’s that easy!

Asset Tracker

We understand that equipment tends to disappear, no matter how big or small. That’s why we created Asset Trackers. Asset Trackers allow our customers to easily locate their equipment in real-time, using our dashboard and mobile app. Any time a Relay device is within proximity of an Asset Tracker and an indoor location beacon, the Relay will report that Asset Tracker’s indoor location to App or Dash.

Available in two sizes, mini (pictured below) and XL, Asset Trackers can be stuck to equipment such as luggage carts, keys, and medical equipment. Current Relay users can easily add Asset Trackers to their account in the Relay app by scanning the tracker’s QR code and naming the asset. 

A mini asset tracker being held in hand to show scale.

Advanced Incident Response Capabilities 

Emergency situations can be scary and stressful, and we want to enable our customers to handle them as quickly and efficiently as possible, in a way that works best for their specific business needs. Launching these advanced incident response capabilities will better prepare staff and streamline their reactions.

We’re updating our incident response capabilities, allowing you to further customize who needs to be aware of emergency situations and how they can respond. Now you’ll be able to:

  • Dispatch incident alerts directly from the Relay dashboard or mobile app
  • Create and name custom codes based on your phrasing preference
  • Customize who needs to be aware of the incident vs who can respond

How do I get these features?

There are a few ways to gain access to these exciting new features. Most require your team to have an upgraded subscription plan. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager for more information on how to access these new features or to upgrade your account. New to Relay? You can still get in touch using the button below.


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